Forgot the password for my old RAR files, Want to try the passwords/keywords which I frequently use. How can I try them at once rather than typing them every single time for every .rar file? to – 57 points –

I use winrar.


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Ask chat gpt! It will not only tell you exactly how, and build the script for you, you will also be able to add ask custom questions when things go wrong, or get other methods.

Chatgpt is a google search on steroids.

Edit: yall can downvote gpt all you want, it took me 3 minutes to do it locally and it provided a safe and valid script.

Source: Director of Engineering at an almost FAANG sized company

What search term do you use? I've just tried and it said it can't help with that.

Me: I need to write a powershell script on windows to open a password protected zip file for which I have the password


Sure! Here's how you can create and use a PowerShell script to unzip a password-protected zip file on Windows:

First, make sure you have the required module installed. You can use Expand-Archive for normal zips, but for password-protected zips, we will leverage the 7-Zip utility. You can download it from here.

After installing 7-Zip, you can use its command line interface, 7z.exe, usually located in C:\Program Files\7-Zip.

Create a PowerShell script named UnzipProtected.ps1 with the following content:




$sevenZipPath = "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe"

if (-not (Test-Path $sevenZipPath)) {
    Write-Error "7-Zip not found at $sevenZipPath. Please install it or adjust the path."
    exit 1

& $sevenZipPath x -p$password -o$destinationPath $zipFilePath

if ($? -eq $true) {
    Write-Host "File unzipped successfully!"
} else {
    Write-Error "Failed to unzip the file."

> Now, you can use the PowerShell script to unzip the password-protected file:

```.\UnzipProtected.ps1 -zipFilePath "" -destinationPath "path_to_extract_folder" -password "yourpassword"

Replace the placeholders with the appropriate paths and password.

Note: Make sure you execute the PowerShell script with appropriate permissions (Run as Administrator if required). Also, ensure that your execution policy allows you to run scripts (Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned or Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted but be aware of the security implications). Always handle passwords securely.

Me: Can you have it loop through a handful of my passwords


Certainly. We can adjust the script to loop through a list of passwords until the correct one is found or the list is exhausted.

Modify the UnzipProtected.ps1 script as follows:




$sevenZipPath = "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe"

if (-not (Test-Path $sevenZipPath)) {
    Write-Error "7-Zip not found at $sevenZipPath. Please install it or adjust the path."
    exit 1

$success = $false

foreach ($password in $passwords) {
    & $sevenZipPath x -p$password -o$destinationPath $zipFilePath

    if ($? -eq $true) {
        Write-Host "File unzipped successfully with password: $password"
        $success = $true

if (-not $success) {
    Write-Error "Failed to unzip the file with provided passwords."

You can now use the script to try multiple passwords:

.\UnzipProtected.ps1 -zipFilePath "" -destinationPath "path_to_extract_folder" -passwords @("password1", "password2", "password3")

Replace the placeholders with the appropriate paths and the list of passwords you want to try.

Note: Be very careful with this kind of script, especially if you're using it with real passwords. It's essential to handle passwords securely, and not to keep them in clear text or hardcoded in scripts. Use this approach only in a controlled and secure environment.

Obviously this is an example, but you can keep talking to it to refine how you want the search to happen. If there's an error, tell gpt what happened, or which step you aren't able to do and it will walk you through that as well!

Was hard to copy paste over on my phone so format is a bit messed up, but you get the idea

While it might be close to good enough for casual scripts, it is much better to use existing tools for performance critical applications, such as brute forcing passwords.

Lmao. Is this not a "casual script"? The dude wants to try a handful of passwords, not brute force a leaked db.

I believe not. The question states "keywords" so it seems they want to try combinations of words they commonly used. And it makes a huge difference if the script can try one password per second or dozens/hundreds/more.

You can easily ask chat gpt for all those specific needs. I've been a professional software engineer for almost 2 decades and I know chat gpt can do just as good as google searches, especially for quick shellscript with cli's you aren't familiar with. You can also ask it where it would be slow and how to make it faster, or what about it might be dangerous. You're just being daft.

I love ChatGPT and pay for the $20 so I get the upgraded version. However guy is asking for advice from humans, otherwise he'd just be asking on ChatGPT.

In my experience GPT can write simple scripts for you, but it quickly falls apart once you reach a certain complexity.

This is a very simple script, perfect for gpt and a noob. An experienced developer can go much further, or he can even learn to develop.

He literally admitted asking chaf GPT and it saying "it can't do that". He's not asking here because he specifically wants a human answer, nobody here is going to write him script after script, answer all the possible questions about how to run script etc.. GPT is literally free internet education and people should use it, not downvote those who try to teach ppl how to use it.

Chatgpt is just a agglomeration of all the human answers we have, and you can even ask GPT if it's wrong because it has no horse in the race.

I agree GPT is great. I use it for all sorts of stuff, not just coding. But when I post on a human board, I want to talk to a human.

Also if you want I can give you an idea for a "simple script" a human could easily do that ChatGPT simply cannot do. It's a text-prediction algorithm. It doesn't think like me or you.

I love it a lot. I talk to it every day. It's like a super-google and helps while coding too. To me it's like a starting point research thing or help when stuck on something.

But yeah people are downvoting you because you're going offtopic by making this into a ChatGPT thing instead of what OP is actually asking.

For what it's worth i didn't downvote you because I don't generally downvote people. I only mention because it seems like the points bother you

"off topic" lmao, yall are dumb.

Nobody has given him a usable answer. Teach a man to fish and all.. all they said is "look up this thing".

GPT is perfectly suited for this question, and it's askLemmy, not "dontAskGPT". It's perfectly on topic and OP has replied / upvoted it as helpful. You can get off your high horse now.

The offtopic part is the prostelyzing. You sound like a Jehovah's Witness. I get it - you're enthusiastic about this but you're not the only one that's ever heard of ChatGPT. Everybody knows already.

I'm just telling you why you're being downvoted.

And again- would you like me to give you a simple script request that breaks ChatGPT? Maybe it'll help you take off the rose-colored glasses.