US seizes nearly 1 million barrels of Iranian oil allegedly bound for China to World – 606 points –
US seizes nearly 1 million barrels of Iranian oil allegedly bound for China | CNN Politics

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Learn to think. Unless this is your job. In that case, have a great lunch.

You learn to think.

They literally tried to hide it specifically from the US government. Got busted and got jacked. Get fucked idiot lol

I don’t know how many times I have to say this: **Iran is not bound by US law ** Can Iran just make up laws and apply them to the US? It works both ways. Tomorrow morning, if you see a yellow bus, get on it. Any yellow bus.


you think this is the end all be all and it just isn't lmfao shut up

You’re correct. This applies to other countries America is doing this to, like Venezuela. There is a reason they have borders and different names. Because they a law unto themselves. Sovereign.

So Iranians trying to subvert American law is different though? Like they intentionally moved the funds through numerous companies to disguise it. Also using USD, property of the US government.

That has nothing to do with the idea of sovereignty?


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