What are the connotations of Joe Rogan?

Pat12@lemmy.world to No Stupid Questions@lemmy.world – 124 points –

I know of someone who says they listen to Joe Rogan podcasts (political I assume) but I don't know what this means or what the connotations are. Both this person and I live in east asia.


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Holy shit you guys are terminally online if you think that Joe is far-right. People watch him because he lets the guests talk, but still follows along good enough to ask good questions. It's really not that deep. And of course he brings controversial people on the show, why would you not in his place? It shows he has no bias and he's ready to listen to opinions and ideas that are new/opposed to his.

If you think joe is far right, it would also mean you think the average >40 is far right. He's the perfect depiction of a centrist/neoliberal

So centrist that he supports DeSantis, has dinner with Greg Abbot, thinks Jan 6 was a false flag, and still claims Trump facing prosecution is evidence that the US is a banana republic despite the episode immediately before having the guest lay out in irrefutable detail the real crimes DJT is standing trial for.

If he isn’t right wing then the only other viable explanation is that he’s an empty bobble head that invites on as many conservatives voices to nod along with as they can.

the only other viable explanation is that he’s an empty bobble head that invites on as many conservatives voices to nod along with as they can.

You might be onto something there.

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