Is ADHD over diagnosed? to – 88 points –

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A lot of kids that used to be called "very lively" back when I was in school

Just like mania was "hysteria" and crippling suicidal depression was "a rut" or its victim "less of a man".

And all of those people in the past who were "really into trains"

I got into a convo with a guy from my office about animals - lions and apes specifically. He was super enthusiastic and knew everything, and I was super enthusiastic about discussing all of it. Best convo ever. It took about a half hour before I realized other people were watching us with quite a bit of amusement. Turns out he has autism. I have adhd. No one else found this topic as fascinating as we did.

Whatever man. I learned a lot about lions and apes (which are completely different thank monkeys thank you very much)