What are the connotations of Joe Rogan?

Pat12@lemmy.world to No Stupid Questions@lemmy.world – 124 points –

I know of someone who says they listen to Joe Rogan podcasts (political I assume) but I don't know what this means or what the connotations are. Both this person and I live in east asia.


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I stop listening to anyone who uses the word "misinformation" unironically.

I can't believe you would tell on yourself like this

You know that’s a real word that applies to things right? If someone is saying the earth is actually flat and making up things to prove it, that’s misinformation.

It's just used as an excuse to shut down speech the government/tech companies don't like because it doesn't fit their narrative.

So what if someone believes the earth is flat, let the people hear and decide for themselves. That's a bedrock of democracy, people are capable of making decisions for themselves. Not you or anyone else has a right to tell them what to believe or filter down the information they get.

No one is shutting down anything, they’re using their speech to classify things as misinformation. You’re allowed to note things are lies or untrue just as much as the people spewing it. There’s a reason regulations and rules exist in the first place, you can’t just lie about ingredients in food for example to protect from harm.

Regardless, misinformation is a real word that applies to things. If you tell someone that says they heard “if I drink bleach it’ll cure my cancer” that is not true and is false information (which can cause harm), there’s nothing wrong with that.

lol this ain't the flex you think it is, chief.