McCarthy Completely Flip Flops On Need For Vote to Launch Impeachment Inquiry to politics – 425 points –

I originally attempted to post an image with a separate link to a Mediaite article. It seems that isn’t possible (the image link overrode the article link) so I’ve deleted the image and restored the original link to the article.


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Surprise, surprise!

Once again Democrats bend over backwards to be as fair as possible. Too fair, in fact. And then Republicans just throw that out the window when they gain power.

I'm actually more pissed off at the Democrats and their endless naivete, because I know that Republicans will stop at nothing to fuck over their opponents that I entirely expect them to pull stunts like this. How the fuck have Democrats not learned this? Republicans have been pulling shit like this for literally decades now.

Seems like they don't want to learn.

It comes from the personality-type that would normally vote Dem. All this "kumbaya" bullshit gets them nearly every single time.

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