Can you tell me about any lesser-known local fruits or vegetables in your area that you think more people should discover? to – 96 points –

I gotta give it to mulberries, don't get enough attention!

The buds of the flower Bauhinia variegata are both cooked amd used for pickles, spectacular stuff.


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Concord grapes. You all know the flavor, because it’s the flavor that artificial grape flavor is based on, but I’ve only seen the real things in farmers’ markets in the Northeast US. They’re only available for a short period, and they’re amazing. A blend of intensely sweet and intensely tart.

They are insanely good to eat when frozen - it's like the most amazing popsicle, so crisp and sweet.

Oh, so that's what they're based on? I'm not sure I'll enjoy that, I now really dislike that particular flavour.