Say goodbye to self-serve soft drinks at McDonald's to – 163 points –
Say goodbye to self-serve soft drinks at McDonald's

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This is 100% about pinching pennies. Gotta find new ways to post those "record breaking profits" every year.

Pinching pennies tends to be a really bad way to improve profits, though. Especially if you're lowering customer satisfaction or attraction in the process.

Not that companies and managers won't still try doing just that.

Welcome to the era of enshitiffication.

Customer satisfction and attraction aren't numbers on a spreadsheet, so I guess the effects of shitty policies like this don't exist

McDonalds isn't really a fast food company. McDonalds makes most of it's money via real estate investment. The suckers who open franchise locations are the only ones who care about pinching pennies on food and drink.

Well if they don't make record breaking profits they won't be useful to investors on the stock market and thats the real game