Chinese exports to Russia soared by 136% year-on-year, while imports from the country jumped by 40.5%.

☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆ to World – 1 points –

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And locking up political enemies is pretty authoritarian…

Isn't your shithole country torturing Assange right now for exposing US war crimes?

The old whataboutism.

We are not all from the USA and no country is perfect, that doesn't mean any single country gets a pass in my opinion.

Screeching whataboutism is a logical fallacy used to justify having double standards for yourself and your adversaries. If the things you claim to happen in China are actually happening in your own country then that's what you should be focused on. Meanwhile, it's not just USA that's at fault in the west. Every western country commits horrific atrocities. For example, France is doing brutal crackdowns on protesters with militarized as we speak.

Maybe if westerners focused on fixing up their own shithole countries instead of yapping about China all the time, the west wouldn't be where it is today.

I'm not creeching :-)

And whataboutism is what you just did, answering critic with "what about that country?!".

Once again, whataboutism is not a sound argument. It's a logical fallacy and using it discredits any argument you might've had.

Correct, that is why I called you out when you were using it.

No, I wasn't using it, I was pointing out that the person moaning about authoritarianism in China has far worse things happening in their own country.