Europeans, what is something that Americans have/do that makes no sense to you?

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Between the two there is a big difference:

One is a profession that can be a particularly dangerous way of life. Orders from above put you into place far from support, with limited resources, often in contact with hostiles on a daily basis. You're often left to fend for yourself with only what you have on you against overwhelming odds. Command structures often pit you against your peers in petty internal politics around rank. The pay isn't great, and those that stick with it for the long haul to make a lifetime of it often leave scared and mentally injured. It can be a thankless job in putting your life and health on the line to achieve the overall goal.

The other profession usually involves wearing a uniform and enforcing USA's geopolitical interests in other countries.

U got me in the first half not gonna lie

Your comment made read the other comment.

Worth it.

It was good but I saw it coming right away lol.

A family friend of ours just quit his highschool teaching job and is moving his family because he was threatened with a gun in his classroom. The student was expelled, but not arrested and knows where he lives.

I fucking hate it here. Guns need to go.