Ashton Kutcher Resigns From His Anti-Child Sex Abuse Organization Amid Danny Masterson Support Backlash to – 779 points –
Ashton Kutcher Resigns From His Anti-Child Sex Abuse Organization

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I don’t have many friends. The few I have I like a lot, and would go to great lengths to help them. If one of my friends asked me to write a letter to a judge. Even if I knew they did it. I’d write that letter. I would do and have done far crazier, and morally dubious thangs than that to help or protect a friend.

Yeah, no. If my best friend, if my brother were convicted by a jury of their peers multiple times for forcibly raping women, I'm out. It doesn't mean I'd lobby for the punishment to be harsher or anything, but like, they did it. The judge and jury heard all the evidence and testimony and determined he's guilty. Keep in mind, he committed a pre-meditated crime that probably traumatized the poor victim. For life. Then he did it again.

AFTER knowing that, if you insert yourself into the Justice process and go out of your way to write a letter trying to use personal anecdotes/celebrity/money/fame/goodwill to enable them to get a lighter sentence... you're a piece of shit. The innocent victims don't have celebrities on their side putting their thumbs on the scale...

I don’t have many friends. The few I have I like a lot, and would go to great lengths to help them. If one of my friends asked me to write a letter to a judge. Even if I knew they did it. I’d write that letter. I would do and have done far crazier, and morally dubious thangs than that to help or protect a friend.

What about if your friend raped children? Would you still be ok with that? Or are you only OK with it if they rape adults? Just trying to work out exactly where people like you draw the line.

PS: You didn't need to include the part about not having many friends, it's heavily implied by the rest of your comment.

I’ve already said this several times. It’s not about being “ok” with any of it. What it is about, is just because someone does horrible doesn’t just erase years positive experiences. It’s ok to love someone from a distance.

Part 2 of your question is a straw man fallacy, and I’m not going to even going to entertain that question.

You’re quip about friends tells me that you’re either young, or unsure of what a friend truly is. I’m not talking about people you know and see sometimes. I’m talking about if you were in jail and needed 500 bail at 2 am. How many people could you call that aren’t family?

You’re quip about friends tells me that you’re either young, or unsure of what a friend truly is. I’m not talking about people you know and see sometimes. I’m talking about if you were in jail and needed 500 bail at 2 am. How many people could you call that aren’t family?

I've read and laughed at this three times already.

It sounds like you and your "friends" are terrible people. Stop getting arrested and apologising for rapists you sick fuck.

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