Unicorn Overlord β€” Announcement Trailer | Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series X|S, PS5, PS4

Ashtear@lemm.ee to Games@lemmy.world – 60 points –
Unicorn Overlord β€” Announcement Trailer | Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series X|S, PS5, PS4

Vanillaware's latest is giving me major Ogre Battle vibes.

Also, come talk JRPGs with us at !jrpg@lemmy.zip!


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I really, really hate this trend of not localizing titles that presumably sound cool in Japanese, but are just like ??? in English. Various Daylife is the worst offender I've seen so far πŸ’€

Hey, don't conflate those two, Unicorn Overlord sounds fucking awesome when you say it aloud, whereas Various Daylife is just as confusing, but instead seems downright pedestrian and boring in comparison.

Should localize them by using the Japanese title translation so it sound equally "foreign awesome" in English? ユニコーンγ‚ͺーバーロード is what Google Translate outputs and hey I will say, it immediately looks less silly to me, despite actually saying the exact same words. πŸ˜‘ (I hate that this actually works)