Americans, what is something that Europeans have/do that makes no sense to you?

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I'm trying to say that prejudice based on stereotypes is still prejudice, and I believe that is a useful point.

In fact, that is the entire point. Individuals deserve to be judged on their own character and not on a caricature presented by others.

I dunno, seems reasonable to me. Be well.

As a general rule sure but in the sense of taking a braggart down a peg, like with the resentment towards american exceptionalism, trying to raise that to the level of prejudice is too much. It could even be seen as cheapening actual issues of prejudice.

What cheapens the issues of prejudice is actively participating in it, thus normalizing it.

Justifying the resentment of an entire group based on the actions of some isn't bringing them down a peg. It's just just perpetuating negatively, at best.

Nah, knockin us for going on about "Murica #1" isn't on the same level as the actual prejudice against the Roma for example.

Didn't say it was, dosen't make it right. Weird thing to support, though, tbh.

You kinda did though. At least that's the stance anyone reading your previous comment is going to infer.

No, I said supporting prejudicial views normalizes it and thus exacerbates it. I didn't say all prejudices were equal. But, continue to support it if you want. Maybe I will too, seems healthy.

See you are kinda doing it again. I was explaining why Americans are the focus of frustration but you want to be reductive about it and just make it all flat prejudice. That frame work puts it on equal footing with actual serious prejudices.

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