So, on pronouns. to – 178 points –

I have a few questions on how to best behave to be as welcoming and inclusive as possible without sounding bad. I hope you guys don't hate me.

I'm just a straight male. Are my pronouns he/him? Is that how I should tell people? Do you actually tell them as you meet them ? Do I have to wait for a certain social cue ?

How about online. Should I tell people or have it on my personal profile somewhere?

And about respecting other people's pronouns. How do i figure them out ? Is it a big faux pas if I don't before I know them ? Is it a faux pas if I refer to someone I just met and I assumed to be male as he/him?

I've never seen anyone referring to anyone irl by non conventional pronouns. Is it an actual thing or is it currently being pushed to make the world a more inclusive place?

I'd love some help with all of this.


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No one's expecting that of you dude. The "woke people" aren't out to get you because you don't introduce yourself with your pronouns, nor are they pushing for that ridiculous future hypothetical you set up. They're just looking to help others get by. No need to be so touchy about it.

I think I know what he means. It's perfectly acceptable to just use him or her for 99.999% of people, and if you just so happen to meet one of the 0.001% of people that goes out of their way to draw attention to themselves by being offended, they're probably not worth wasting oxygen on lol

Saying "my pronouns are..." without anyone asking for them is just ridiculous in my opinion.

What a dumb way to start a conversation.

Between those statements and so much concern about seeming "woke", I don't think they're only worried about the "0.001%" here.

Yeah true, but if you start a conversation with "my pronouns are...", the vast majority of people will assume you're incredibly self-centred, let's be honest here. Not a great way to start a conversation

So we've gone from "0.001% get offended about pronouns" to "It's self centered (ie 'wrong') to introduce yourself with pronouns." Maybe just let people engage with the world in the way that best suits them? Sometimes that includes prefacing an introduction with pronouns to head off any mistakes or discomfort. These people are just trying to get by. Try not to be so judgemental.

While I personally wouldn't go as far as to call people self-centered, I do think Mr Blott has a point, a lot of people may think they are self-centered for immediately declaring their pronouns (or anything else other than your name for that matter).

Anyway, that wasn't what I was trying to say. All I wanted to say is that I don't think that announcing your pronouns is something that will be or should be normalized, since it's pointless for the vast majority of people. I do understand why some people would prefer to do this anyway to avoid the awkward situations like "ahem, actually it's... euuh... he, not she", and I don't have a problem with that.

and I don't have a problem with that.

You both very clearly do. Stuff like calling things pointless and ridiculous, advocating for the "vast majority" or "99.999%" of people? That only serves to isolate and "other"ize. It's hurtful and dismissive of real people. Following it up with "but people can do what they want" doesn't erase what you say. Might as well start it off with "No offense, but..."

If you are truly trying to be kind and accepting here, maybe take some time to self reflect on how you view and talk about these things and what's behind that.

I think all we've learnt from this is that Ech announces his pronouns at the beginning of conversations then wonders why the conversation was so short

"Look at this person advocating for kindness. Bet no one wants to talk to them, am I right?"

What a low-tier, middle school level attempt at bullying.

Why do you spend your days imagining elaborate made-up pronoun conversations? Are you one of those freaks that hate trans people but jerk it to trans porn?

I apologize if my comment sounds a bit whiny or if I sounded a bit touchy. I was just a bit annoyed with the amount of comments that seem to suggest telling people what your pronouns is is a common thing in real life, while in my experience, almost no one will ever do that, since it's obvious in 99.9% of all cases.

But I suppose I could have phrased my comment a bit less aggressively and I could have made my point clear with less rambling.

while in my experience, almost no one will ever do that, since it's obvious in 99.9% of all cases.

Just because you have little knowing experience with people that don't match what you consider "normal" doesn't mean it's near non-existant. You seem to be under the impression that people are going out of their way to address a non-issue when it very much affects real people.

You don't need to do it yourself, but dismissing it, calling it stupid or ridiculous, or just generally insinuating that it's something only weird people do is not helpful or kind. Quite the opposite, really.

The reality is that not everyone can go out of their way to adapt to every minority group in existence. I get that it affects people, but that's just life. Social norms are based on the most common needs and interests of society, not on those of each minority group combined.

As another example, consider neurodivergent people (ASD, AD(H)D, etc.). Such people (including myself) may struggle when trying to live in a world where most people are "normal" (e.g. poor social skills, anxiety, sensitivity to noises, etc.). It would be nice if everyone could adapt to the needs of all others, but it's unrealistic in practice due to how many different people with different needs there are in this world.

I don't go to people and expect them to adapt to my needs either, because I'm not entitled to their effort to adapt. Unless they are close friends, and they get to know me better, then maybe they will choose to avoid doing things that make me uncomfortable.

My point is: stop trying to revolutionize the world and introduce new social norms based on the needs of very tiny groups, you'll only annoy people.

Again, no one is demanding you do this. We're just taking in circles at this point, so I'll just leave it at that, with another suggestion to self reflect if you are earnest about being accepting of others.

no one is demanding you

In that case my previous comment is irrelevant and off-topic. It was a misinterpretation of your comment on my end.

In my original comment I did say that I don't have a problem with people that do tell me their pronouns, even if I do think that's a bit stupid and weird (we will have to agree to disagree on this one I'm afraid). This does not mean I'm not accepting of others, I only mean that I think this specific kind of social interaction feels weird to me.

I apologize if my opinion of this comes over as unkind or unhelpful. In fact I might even agree that it is unhelpful and unkind, but I much rather share an unhelpful opinion than a dishonest one (perhaps it is better for me to stay quiet in this case). I'm sure many people share my opinion or have a similar one. You also can't expect people to immediately change their opinion or be dishonest about it based on the needs of a minority group.

I also apologize if my initial comment sounded too aggressive and/or hateful. Maybe I should have chosen a more polite way to share this opinion?