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Brought to you by the same people that cheered like baboons for the Patriot Act. 9/11. Murica.

The Patriot act that passed with a ton of bipartisan support? That Patriot act? The one Obama promised to rescind while he was campaigning and then renewed after he won?

Don't make the mistake of believing any of these assholes are on your side. The worst of the worst legislation is always bipartisan. We've got faces and heels and at the end of the day they're working towards the same goals.

This is a reminder that Democrats, in large, are not leftists. They are capitalists. They pass capitalistic legislation that benefits largely the rich and status-quo, which makes them conservatives.

There is no leftist party. There is Batshit Insane Party and Everyone Else Party.

Everyone Else Party implies they're on our side. There's the Mask Off Authoritarian Party and the Still Pretending They're Not Authoritarians Party.

America has two authoritarian right-wing parties to pick from. One is less right wing than the other, but they're still both to the right of the major right wing party in my country (New Zealand)

People aren't political parties though. The OP is referring to followers of a specific belief system, not somebody registered as a D or an R.

Idk, Ben might be an idiot but he was pretty libertarian before he went all in on Trumpism.

He was a raging narcissist who perpetually thought he was smarter and more special than everyone around him. I'd say that fits pretty well with most libertarians I've met.