Donald Trump Wishes ‘Liberal Jews’ a Happy New Year by Accusing Them of Destroying America to politics – 569 points –
Donald Trump Wishes 'Liberal Jews' a Happy New Year by Accusing Them of Destroying America

Donald Trump decided to take time during Rosh Hashanah — the start of the Jewish High Holy days and the celebration of the New Year — to blame “liberal Jews” for voting to destroy America and Israel.

“Just a quick reminder for liberal Jews who voted to destroy America & Israel because you believed in false narratives!,” he wrote on Truth Social on Sunday, presumably referring to the American Jewish support for Joe Biden in the 2020 election. “Let’s hope you learned from your mistake & make better choices moving forward!”

The leading Republican presidential candidate then shared what appeared to be a flyer boasting of Trump’s record on Israel and pro-Jewish causes. “Wake Up Sheep. What Nazi / Anti Semite ever did this for the Jewish people or Israel?” the flyer reads. The flyer goes on to crow about moving the American Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem (“no other president had the balls to do it”) and endorsing “Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights” and “over settlements in Judea & Samaria” — also known as the West Bank. The flyer also mentions Trump’s signing the “Never Again” Education Bill into law, which funds Holocaust awareness — which was praised by organizations, such as the Anti-Defamation League. “Clearly, one of the Greatest Anti Semites of our time!” the flyer jokes.

Strangely, it neglects Trump’s notorious statement that neo-Nazi marchers in Charlottesville, Virginia were “very fine people.” Or his speech in front of prominent Republican Jews, telling them that they were manipulative money-grubbers. Or his dinner with Kanye West after the rapper tweeted that he was “going death con3 on JEWISH people.”

The time in between Rosh Hoshanah and Yom Kippur, the day of atonement, is when Jews are supposed to ask for forgiveness from those they may have hurt. Trump used this faithful, soul-searching time to make it about himself.

It’s unlikely to have much impact; American Jews have traditionally voted overwhelmingly for Democrats — and 2024 looks to be a continuation of the trend. According to a poll by the Jewish Electoral Institute, which found among 800 Jewish voters, Biden leads Trump by 72 percent.


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"except the white supremacists, who I disavow completely" finished that for you

His daughter is married to a Jew. and he had 30 in his cabinet. Try harder next time. I guarantee you're an anti-Semite who doesn't support Israel.

“except the white supremacists, who I disavow completely” finished that for you

There's a word for people who knowingly march with nazis: it's nazis. There were no non-nazis on Trump's side at that rally. Trump considers nazis to be very fine people.

Which is why you support him. He validates you.

If a liberal marches with a communist are they both liberals or both communists?

Ooh. Hypothetical whataboutism.

He's a nazi, so you support him. There is no other reason.

You don't have ro support a country to not be racist against a group of people. There is no country in the world I'd say did nothing wrong, and many have terrible governments. I don't hate any race or people as a group, as many of the terrible governments (well, probably all rather than simply many) abuse their own people, and many of the people have no choice in living there.

Also, nice "I have a black friend" defense. He could have said just liberals, and not specifically jews on a Jewish event (or at all really). That's where his antisemitism lies. Many white supremacists and racists are OK with someone they generally hate the most of if that person is on their side and playing the same games they do.

You don’t have ro support a country to not be racist against a group of people

Israel is the ancestral land of the Jews, its government is Jewish, its people are Jewish. If you don't support Israel, you are an anti-Semite. Stop equivocating.

He could have said just liberals, and not specifically jews on a Jewish event

Is it anti-Christian to say "conservative Christians who don't support welfare are destroying this country"? Answer: no.

Trump is the most pro-Jew president in US history. His daughter is literally Jewish.

I have a black friend defense REEE

Okay, two can play at that game: all the Jews Trump are talking about are actually fake Jews playing the anti-Semitism game like you're suggesting his literal daughter, her husband, and half of his staff is. They're being weaponized to attack Trump because he supports Israel.

Israel is the ancestral land of the Jews, its government is Jewish, its people are Jewish. If you don’t support Israel, you are an anti-Semite. Stop equivocating.

Hey, Jew here. You're wrong. Yom Kippur is on Monday, please consider asking God for forgiveness for this awful, ignorant comment.

Israel is the ancestral land of the Jews, its government is Jewish, its people are Jewish. If you don’t support Israel, you are an anti-Semite. Stop equivocating.

Where do the atrocities against the population who lived there first factor into your analysis? Not at all?

Is it anti-Christian to say “conservative Christians who don’t support welfare are destroying this country”? Answer: no.

And yet you don't see the double standard you're applying here. You're literally an "anti-Semite" if you don't support an apartheid government, but it's fine to criticize theocratic Christians? Why can one group abuse power but not the other?

all the Jews Trump are talking about are actually fake Jews

and that's not "anti-Semitic"?

His daughter is married to a Jew.

Are you talking about Jared Kushner?

You want the simple explanation here? He wants to ride the fence. He wants to court Nazis, racists, theocrats, fanatics, and he wants to pull in minority votes and get as much support as possible. That's what it's about. That's how you explain the contradiction, between him constantly spouting thinly veiled racist rhetoric and him saying he's the best friend in world history to every minority who's ever dealt with oppression. He will say literally anything, because he wants power, and after what happened last time he wants to stay out of prison too. He will do whatever it takes to do that, including inventing an entirely fake version of reality based upon a myth of himself as a savior figure.

Not looking for an argument whatsoever, not trying to put you down, get your head out of the echo chamber it's in, go find dissenting viewpoints, point by point, from all the stuff you believe now, because you are sooooooo far down the rabbit hole, you sound completely insane to anyone who knows better. I'm not kidding here, back up, take some time away from this and get your grip on reality back.

Israel is the ancestral land of the Jews, its government is Jewish, its people are Jewish. If you don’t support Israel, you are an anti-Semite.

And if you support Germany, you're pro-Holocaust and anti-French/Polish/British/American.
