Majority Leader Chuck Schumer loosens Senate dress code to allow senators to wear whatever they want starting Monday to politics – 797 points –
Majority Leader Chuck Schumer loosens Senate dress code

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I only ever had one job with a business casual dress code. Never again.

Seriously. I joke that I specifically became a sysadmin because a T-shirt (and occasional polo), jeans, and sneakers or boots is already formal for me.

... it's only partially actually a joke.

When I was a scrub whose daily tasks involved running eternity cables, supporting warehouse machines, etc. I convinced my boss than business casual was a waste of money unless he wanted to buy my work wardrobe. This was back when I was 20ish, so 23 years ago

For real - who the hell wants to be commando-crawling through a datacenter in slacks and loafers? Total fucking nonsense.

I went full remote in early 2018, so now you'd have to put a gun to my head to be in anything more than shorts and a wifebeater while I work. I'm popping into the office this Thursday and for a minute, I was afraid I didn't have any long jeans left for the occasion lmao

When I started my current job (over 20 years ago), I dressed in dress pants, a sport jacket, tie, dress shoes, and dress shirt. Over time, I ditched the sport jacket.

Then COVID hit and I began working from home. Now my work dress is a nice shirt (polo or solid print) and jeans or shorts (depending on the weather). No shoes needed.

Now, I wouldn't want to go back to the more formal dress code. Sure, it means that the dozens of cool and geeky ties that I accumulated over the years won't be used. Still, I'd rather be comfortable and still look professional than be dressy and uncomfortable.

shoot - that's still way more dressy than I do for my Work from home lol

My standard outfit is just a comfy t-shirt (sometimes a tanktop if it's >100 outside) and either basketball shorts or sweatpants depending on the weather

Anything more than a polo shirt is too fancy for me. Half the time I just stay in my jammies until I need to go somewhere or take a shower.