Massachusetts Has a Huge Waitlist for State-Funded Housing. So Why Are 2,300 Units Vacant? to politics – 260 points –
Massachusetts Has a Huge Waitlist for State-Funded Housing. So Why Are 2,300 Units Vacant?

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I almost fell for that on Long Island several years ago. To even think that brokers are even necessary with tools like is ridiculous.

I've never dealt with a broker that did anything beyond opening the door and going "here. Apartment. Look." Useless leeches, the lot of them.

If their money wasn't siphoned from common folks just trying to get by I'd honestly say "good for them". I have no qualms with people who somehow manage to get well paying jobs where they literally do nothing (especially if it's at the expense of some mega-corp), but if you're effectively strong-arming regular people into paying money they can't comfortably afford for absolutely no benefit then you're a legitimate piece of shit.

I guess my opinion really just boils down to "fuck rich people"

A while ago me and my now wife moved out of the country for her studies. We didn't live together at the time so I was hesitant about selling my place. I also didn't want to travel all the way back for showings, maintenance or whatever. So I used a broker/realtor.

And I'm glad I did, as the last people who lived there just stopped paying rent. That economic burden fell on the realtor. They didn't treat my place nicely, and that was my cost to fix. But I still would have been in a difficult situation with potential squatters who refused to pay rent if it weren't for them.

I agree that it's more often than not pointless, but I was lucky to use them.