Researcher builds anti-Russia AI disinformation machine for $400

BeautifulMind ♾️ to World – 317 points –
Researcher builds anti-Russia AI disinformation machine for $400

The logical end of the 'Solution to bad speech is better speech' has arrived in the age of state-sponsored social media propaganda bots versus AI-driven bots arguing back


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By this definition, 9/11 proves that a jumbo jet is a WMD. I don't know if I can call a jumbo jet a WMD.

9/11 only had its effect because they hit the twin towers, chemical weapons can kill entire areas

I don't understand the point you're making. If airplanes hitting a building can do the same damages chemical weapons.....

Chemical weapons can kill entire areas just like planes hitting buildings. I'm a licensed pilot.

what killed people was the damage to the buildings not the planes themselves, if the twin towers had been a chemical plant (especially one making something like phosgene, mustard gas or chlorine gas) in the middle of NY, the death toll would have made 9/11 look like a wet fart

The chemical plant cannot be a WMD.

Places cannot be WMD. This is inherent in the word weapon a weapon is not a place. The w in WMD makes it not a place

hey, I was arguing with the logic of planes are a WMD because 9/11, pointing out that if plans would be a WMD because the WTC towers collapsing killing a lot of people, a chemical plant would be way worse.

but in effect a plane is not much different from the larger cruise missiles

No, jet didn't kill millions.

Didn't need to kill a millions. I'm just saying that the jet hitting a building kills as many as a chemical weapon can.

Chemical weapons not going to kill more people than 9/11.

Didn't need to kill a millions.

WMD definition requires killing millions of people.

How the fuck are 14 155mm shells filled with mustard gas from 1980 and a few kilograms of expired growth media going to kill millions of people?