YouTube suspends Russell Brand from making money off his channel — The suspension comes following the publication of rape and sexual assault allegations against the British star

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YouTube suspends Russell Brand from making money off his channel

YouTube suspends Russell Brand from making money off his channel — The suspension comes following the publication of rape and sexual assault allegations against the British star::YouTube has blocked Russell Brand from making money off its platform and the BBC pulled some of his shows from its online streaming service in the wake of rape and sexual assault allegations against the comedian-turned-influencer.


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Aside from false accusations - how about tech monopolies (only beholden to profits/shareholders) being judge, jury and executioner?

I think Brand is a narcissistic prick, but that doesn't mean I don't care how he's treated by even bigger evils.

I agree that capitalism is bad.

But since we live in a capitalist country, I do my part as an informed consumer and I don't use Google products.

But this particular brand of whining about "big tech" is so stupid. Google risks losing advertisers. Google acts to not lose it's advertisers. Cry a river that in a capitalist economy a business takes action to protect its income source.

Yes, Brand has been executed by having his YouTube account demonetized. There's no difference between not being paid by YouTube, but still being allowed to post videos, and being convicted of a crime. No difference whatsoever.

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