The Gruesome Story of How Neuralink’s Monkeys Actually Died to – 443 points –

Elon Musk says no primates died as a result of Neuralink’s implants. A WIRED investigation now reveals the grisly specifics of their deaths as US authorities have been asked to investigate Musk’s claims.


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Clickbait headline, no tldr? That’s a downvote for me dawg.

Can you explain to me why exactly you think the headline should be considered clickbait?

Hmm. Are you asking in good faith, or to dogpile? Anyway, sure; I can explain why.

The Gruesome - clickbait because "if it bleeds it leads."
Story - words like "story" are often plainly false when the article is a tiny blurb or fluff piece. Thankfully, this article is an actual story. But remember, it's still bait.
of How - clickbait because it asks a question it doesn't answer, baiting the headline-reader to click.
Neuralink's Monkeys - oh, another Elon Musk altar. The press can't get enough of Musk.
Actually Died - more bleeding leading.

Headlines can just be content, rather than a tease. This article title intentionally relays no new info.

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The content of the piece is revealing, but yes the headline is absolutely textbook clickbait

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