Is an expensive mattress worth the money? to – 174 points –

Idk why I always wake up with either my sides or neck or smth hurting when I wake up but that didn't happen while I stayed at a hotel. It's not like I'm an old broken man who should be waking up expecting this.


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Check out Sleep like the dead

It helped me get the most value for my money and I solved my back pain issues. Also, I simply couldn't be happier with my sleep these days.

This is the way. Used this website to help choose my last 2 mattresses and it was pretty spot on. I also recommend this site to anyone I talk to who are looking for a good comparison on mattresses prior to purchasing.

I was using the mattress selector and tbh I just put "no preference" to almost all things cause i have no idea what im looking for

I put that I don’t want much heat retention, want firm, and I like a little bounce (for sex), and it basically told me to get a regular innerspring mattress. So a medium priced sealy or whatever at Costco. Which is what I got last time, and I was happy before so.