It wasn't worth it anyway

The Picard to – 1467 points –

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Serious question... What's the answer to paying for services like this? If everyone adblocks, how can they be sustainable? Will journalism just die because no one wants to pay or see ads?

They could try not putting so many ads you can't fucking read and making sure they don't contain malware. That'd be a start.

A lot of these things are due to the greed of the website owners stuffing as many ads as they possibly can into their sites.

for a while there was a service called Scroll for like $5 a month, you wouldn't see ads and your monthly payment would get divided between all the articles you viewed that month. they were partnered with Firefox and supposedly privacy friendly. they were bought by twitter and essentially killed.

edit: wikipedia

I'd happily subscribe to that. Even though I hate subscriptions, I hate ads way more.