What's something you just learned, that you should have known for a while?

anonymous@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 157 points –

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Rogue: deviant from the norm.

Rouge: a shade of red.

If your pee is rouge when you stand, you need to see your doctor.

Or maybe you just ate a lot of beetroot.

I remember as a kid really being into eating drained.can beets soaked in vinegar..... I ate enough in a day it turned.my pee slightly pink.

Your stomach acid is what breaks the color down. If you take a few antacids or a proton pump inhibitor before eating a bunch of beets, your urine will turn bright red.

Why you gotta try to impress people with all your dumb book learnin? Just use Normal people colors.

Edit: no trailer Park boys fans here apparently