Interview - ‘Capitalism is dead. Now we have something much worse’: Yanis Varoufakis on extremism, Starmer, and the tyranny of big tech to World – 36 points –
‘Capitalism is dead. Now we have something much worse’: Yanis Varoufakis on extremism, Starmer, and the tyranny of big tech

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I still find his answer funny: “And wouldn’t that be better?”

libertarians man, I swear

feels like every other one I meet just repeats what the rest of them say without even thinking about it. Reminds me of the video I saw where a leading libertarian presidential candidate said he supported driver's licenses and the entire room booed him.

Every libertarian I've ever met is convinced that actors will somehow be way more rational and benevolent when laissez-faire economics allows the market to act freely, as though 'zero regulations' is not already the goal of every major corporation, in order to more completely fuck over everyone they touch.

Either that, or they're convinced they're a good enough prepper to avoid being killed or captured by the inevitable PMC armies that arise from the libertarian apocalypse.

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