As Reddit Crushes Protests, Its User Traffic Returns to Normal to – 441 points –
As Reddit Crushes Protests, Its User Traffic Returns to Normal

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I'm going to continue using rif until it shuts down at the end of the month but there's no way I'm downloading their shitty app. I have a feeling a lot of people are in the same boat.

Similar for me, but with Relay. I absolutely refuse to use the shitshow that is the official app. And honestly, I've been actively choosing to use Reddit less and less.

Yeah. I'm on vacation anyways, with me minimal cell coverage, so it's been pretty easy, but I've popped in a handful of times. but, there's no way I'm installing their client. None. I don't have Facebook, or Twitters clients, I'll be damned if Im installing reddit.

Pretty much same for me tbh. I'll have to see when it actually happens. But I've been in Lemmy since this all started. And it's clear the content has grown here substantially. To the point where I can scroll and scroll like in reddit. It wasn't like that the first time I got here.

Same here. I'll check out the Fediverse first then go to reddit if I still need to waste time. No point in quitting early. The protests clearly failed so might as well just accept that.

Hopefully their numbers drop dramatically next month.