Defederating was the right call. The_Donald is being hosted on to – 332 points –

The admin of has been approached but as of yet has failed to reply to concerned Lemmy users. I’m glad Beehaw admins look out for us by cutting off instances that host communities like this.


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Freedom of speech is meant to protect you from government squashing dissidence.

Out here in private land everyone is free to associate or not associate with anyone they please. This is what 15-23 year old libertarian brains have yet to comprehend. If you want to be a nazi, that’s fine, but there are consequences. One of those consequences is civilized society is going to quarantine you and isn’t obligated to take any of your shit. You aren’t entitled to any one else’s platform to spew hate.

“You have the freedom to speak, and I have the freedom to stop listening.”

You should add another line:
"...and you don't get to use my microphone."
And I'll add another:
"Now go back to the gutter from which you crawled out of."

@Refune Legally, that is true. No one would argue that platforms have a legal obligation to host your content. But some would say that they have a moral obligation to host it. 'I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.'


But some would say that they have a moral obligation to host it.

and those people are overwhelmingly people who wish they could be hateful and are mad other people won't host that hate for them. this is a predictable pathology if you've been in any online space, and it's not worth dignifying as an argument because it's stupid and clearly self-serving on the part of the people who make it.

Right. It's the same playbook they've exploited a thousand times over, isn't it? And it's the only one they have. Guilt-tripping the more gullible with a bullshit Free Speech spiel, so they can get a foothold and vandalize the place.

platforms dont have a moral obligations to host opinions it is one thing when someone says something sane but unpopular and gets themselfs booted thats not good however extremist opinions such as nazism have no place on a decent platform look at what happened to voat and basically every other platform promoting free speech people who got booted off moderated platforms go there to spread their hate and destroy the site

lol those types of free speech absolutists have no morals in the first place, spouting medicine misinformation and pro-putin propaganda that directly leads to peoples deaths

I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it

And if the shoe were on the other foot, these hate-filled creatures would not hesitate for an instant to have any dissenting voices squashed and their speakers shot.

There is NO moral obligation to cater to bigoted, violence-inciting fascists. In fact, the moral obligation is to NOT cater to bigoted, violence-inciting fascists.

Absolute nonsense. Nobody is obligated to be party to hate and bigotry. Those folks can have their own websites and try to promote it themselves independently of those who reject their trash philosophy. Platforming all thoughts and ideas isn't inherently valuable. Especially not after millennia of human thought and enlightenment.


There is more nuance to it than that. If its something like simple left-wing/right-wing politics, sure you have a moral obligation to host both sides for as long as both sides participate in good faith and there is a mutual respect between the two. It becomes different when the disagreement comes from one side saying some people don't deserve to exist. There is no good faith way to say some percentage of the population are sub-human and should be eliminated.

Like do you really think if a trans person is running a Lemmy instance, they are morally obligated to host a community that has members in it that call for the death of trans people? It would be like saying you are obligated to let someone live in your house even though they were just outside your house threatening to burn it down.

People that spew hate can do so, but the price they pay for that should be that they shouldn't feel invited or comfortable anywhere besides their little hate hole. We have allowed them too much comfort lately because we have always been told this "do unto others" shit growing up. The problem with that mentality is that it assumes everyone is operating under that rule, but some people are exploiting that and treat others like shit knowing they won't get punched in the face for it.

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