12 Post – 41 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

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Too many of you still have meta accounts, quest headsets, and sympathy for a company that canā€™t/shouldnā€™t be trusted with anything. Theyā€™re the reason for Trump being elected, the erosion of human rights, and many other atrocities on top of being a privacy nightmare. I donā€™t want them anywhere near the fediverse.

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Anywhere Meta goes ads will follow and privacy will flee.

This is why I love Beehaw.

Oh to have the privilege to not care about politics. I wish I was able to live like that. It must be really nice.

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This is a beehaw thread on the beehaw instance discussing a meta topic. We're a community with a specific set of standards unlike other instances. It's irrelevant to you, so I'm not sure why you're interacting with it. No one is shoving anything down your throat; you're choosing to come in here and stomp your feet around for no reason. If you want to ever be taken seriously I suggest you stop saying "shoving X down my throat" because at this point it's a meme.

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"Just let the nazis congregate... it could turn out ok!"

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Thatā€™s not why was defederated from Beehaw. It was defederated for having open signups resulting in moderation issues and botting. This thread is an affirmation that it was a good call since they now have toxic users creating toxic communities which is part of the reason for defederation.

Youā€™re creating a problem that doesnā€™t exist to get mad at it.

This is a Beehaw community. Iā€™m referring to Beehaw.

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You have created the best community on the internet. Any criticism is certainly from a minority. Please keep doing what you're doing and giving us a place to feel safe here on the fediverse ā¤ļø

The world is in a horrific state right now. I am trying to escape from it too, and that's why I am glad we've defederated from communities where there are racist bigoted trolls. I appreciate the admins of Beehaw not allowing the spillover. If you don't care about that there are other instances like that aren't defederated/don't have the same community policies as Beehaw.

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Says more about admins honestly. is going to become a

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If youā€™re on iOS check out this amazing Pixelfed client. Itā€™s beautiful and minimal. I adore it.

Beehaw already defederated from and due to bots/trolls/open signups (all related). This topic was simply an affirmation the admins did the correct thing now these same instances have extremist communities popping up. These moderation issues are part of the reason we defederated.

The dude abides.... having the_donald on his instance! ba-dum-tiss

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Gross. Time for a mass exodus to Matrix.

Yep which is why I'm happy I don't have to deal with political extremist communities like The_Donald that attracts people who troll with bigoted awful bullshit in every thread possible no matter the community.

No instagram for me. Meta products can kick rocks.


I learned a new word today! Thank you.

Great article, but I hate twitch terms/phrases like "boomer shooter." IDK why I just find them annoying.

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Crap I messed up my release order. Thank you!

Most ot the users here still have Facebook/Instagram accounts they use daily. They like to talk up the fediverse but also post minion memes to their grandma. It's kinda sad, but it is what it is, and that's why you see so many Meta defenders.

Yeah someone already corrected me on that. Iā€™m embarrassed šŸ˜ž

Eh It's typically privilege.

The good ol' days.

Watching shows like Succession really gives you a proper picture of how people like this view the world. It's disgusting.

Nah they understood it perfectly. The response still works.


I was just at my local grocery and they have a big old malt-o-meal display!

The opening cinematic to Quake II is a banger. I love it.

I want to bite that.

But you canā€™t take the sky from me. šŸŽ¶

Because tons of Lemmy/Kbin users are still addicted to Facebook/Instagram. They'll defend their drug dealer to the death.

The "lol" at the end of Musk's comment clearly indicated that he was joking yet people are taking this seriously for some reason.

Came here to post exactly this.

The twitch community/culture as a whole is obnoxious. Just as bad as TikTok imo.

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It sure was purdy though.

Was it though?

No. Messaging was just as popular if not more so back when Skype was at its peak.

I recently switched from Bitwarden to 1Password and don't regret it one bit. Their app is substantially improved over Bitwarden. Layout is significantly more intuitive and autofill works better than Bitwarden on iOS/macOS.