Nostalgia: The Apple Pro Mouse. to – 34 points –

The Apple Pro Mouse remains the most beautiful mouse ever made. I miss when electronics had more personality. Now companies just slap gaudy RGB on everything and call it a day.


No offense but these things are horrendous to use. The mouse design has been largely perfected(and it ain't this design), what else is there to do besides add RGB to stand out?

Complaints about rgb are always odd to me because you can just turn it off if you dislike it. Even really cheap items without software have an "off" in the color cycles.

As a 38 year old woman I want rgb everything, my entire computer rainbows and I love it

One of the better examples of form over function. I really disliked actually using this mouse whenever I had to.

Completely ass to use. Form over function is bad.

It sure was purdy though.

The clear plastic Apple keyboards that were around at about the same time as this mouse were actually pretty decent while keeping the cool transparent aesthetic

Apple has never made a mouse that didn’t suck. Fight me.

(Their trackpads tho, glorious)

Apple fought hard against two-button mouse if I recall correctly.

It was certainly striking looking, as was the computers it matched with. I can't say I enjoyed using them, though. I don't mind the single button but the ergonomics were poor and hurt my hand after long sessions.

And then they created the Magic Mouse, the biggest turd ever created in the history of mice.

I loved the speakers with the same aesthetic

Loved that era of Apple.

I miss the days when you could upgrade the processor (and ram, and storage, and a few other bits) in Mac laptops - growing up my dad's main laptop was a G3 PowerBook that he stuck a G4 and a bunch of extra ram into!

This thing gave me painful hand cramping after a couple of weeks of use. It's not ergonomic at all and gave me what felt like tendonitis. Switched to a mouse with a curve design for right handed people and all my pain went away in about a week. I've never used such an uncomfortable mouse since then.