Nostalgia: Eternal darkness was released 21 years ago today in 2002. to – 15 points –

I had just graduated high school. The nostalgia is heavy with this one. I was mostly into PC gaming at the time, but I remember playing ED on Gamecube. Those "insanity" effects were really neat.


I replayed this game so many times. The insanity effects were cool, but I sometimes think people ignored the wonderful game play and setting. I have sold 99% of my old consoles and games but I still have my copy of eternal darkness.

Also, holy shit I'm old

Everything about this game was so good, and such a fantastic Lovecraftian creation. Also I absolutely loved the magic system in this game, I felt it was super unique, especially in video games.

One of my all time favorites. Absolutely jaw dropping and mind fucking. Especially for a 14 year old