Defederating was the right call. The_Donald is being hosted on to – 332 points –

The admin of has been approached but as of yet has failed to reply to concerned Lemmy users. I’m glad Beehaw admins look out for us by cutting off instances that host communities like this.


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This is a beehaw thread on the beehaw instance discussing a meta topic. We're a community with a specific set of standards unlike other instances. It's irrelevant to you, so I'm not sure why you're interacting with it. No one is shoving anything down your throat; you're choosing to come in here and stomp your feet around for no reason. If you want to ever be taken seriously I suggest you stop saying "shoving X down my throat" because at this point it's a meme.

I remember the before times, when nobody mentioned political issues and talking about it openly was considered taboo. The people that did were considered crackpots. Then the 2012 election happened and the Mayan profecy became reality. Now everyone has a political science degree apparently.

I feel sorry for kids that have to grow up constantly hearing political arguments. In olden times we would get a big political issue every once in awhile. Whitewater and the Clinton impeachment trial for example. Still, nobody really took that stuff seriously, and it was rarely the topic of conversation except for a passing joke here or there.

It was a simpler time, that's for sure.

Yep which is why I'm happy I don't have to deal with political extremist communities like The_Donald that attracts people who troll with bigoted awful bullshit in every thread possible no matter the community.

This time didn't exist you were just ignorant to it or believe your own set political beliefs are default and therefore not politics just stuff.

In the US just going by big boomer era strokes: the red scare was in the 40sCivil rights era was the red 60s, white flight red lining and urban decay happened throughout the 70s in the US, Reagan era neo con movement happened in the 80s along side the rise of evangelical movement, and I feel like the bush Clinton bush era are recent enough that they shouldn't need introduction.

Politics didn't dominate everyday discourse like it does today. We had tv news, newspapers, Radio and magazines. Yeah, we knew that Bush sr threw up on the Japanese PM. But unless you subscribed to very specific periodicals you were only going to see major events and these were icky talked about because it was something interesting that happened, not because people had very strong opinions that they wanted to debate. I've seen people say that we lack a shared national experience like we used to have. We used to all consume the same media. So there wasn't much debate. Now the facts are constantly being debated because people read wildly different sources that present the news in a conflicting manner.

Im in my mid 30s, my guy and have older family members and friends. You arent talking to some wide eye'd teenager. There's a level of civility thats unable to be had because the right has slowly but surely marched towards insanity, but politics were always a hot button issue in the US. Talk radio, right wing talk radio posing as christian radio, politically leaning daily newspapers, tabloids, talkshows, the 24 hour news cycle and more.

And thats not even getting to discourse around people who were on the outs during an era. Like the general attitudes and casual hate speech thrown around gays in the 90s and 00s was kind of appauling. Still isnt great but eddie murphy's hit comedy bitch which was just him being mad at a hypothetical gay man and calling him an F was huge in the 80s. But yeah golden age when nobody cared about politics.

Where do you live at, a battleground state? I don't, so we never got all the targeted advertising and whatnot here. I imagine someone in Ohio or Florida would have a much different experience due to political advertising. However, you probably weren't experiencing it online in Yahoo pool or Diablo II. The 24 hour news cycle didn't exist until the mid to late nineties, and only took off after September 11 2001. If you were consuming and discussing political content on a daily basis, then you were an outlier.