Is turn into authoritarian?

Lee to – 376 points –

I just realised, I can't post anything on

So, I checked, there's a new moderator.

All posts and comments talking about China, Jinping, Russia, and Putin have been deleted and users banned


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Ahhh. So flat-out insulting people for no reason other than, “I have absolutely nothing to add to the discussion, but I don’t like what you say- so here’s some insults!” is completely fine.

My god you’re a cringe-fest of embarrassment. You might have wanted to think before you white-knighted your way into a conversation you weren’t even a part of.

No, there was a reason, but nice swing and a miss.

What happened man, you seem so upset. You were so into insulting people before, what happened man?

I feel having a functioning brain gives me too much of an advantage here so I’m going to bow out of this discussion and wish you the best of luck. Post-op lobotomies can be a bitch from what I understand. Good luck with that.

Oh no, don't run away. All I did was ask a question. If you feel so small that you need to run away after one question then you might wanna not throw stones. Glass house and all kid.