Hunter Biden sues Rudy Giuliani, attorney Robert Costello for "hacking" laptop data to – 232 points –
Hunter Biden sues Rudy Giuliani, attorney Robert Costello for "hacking" laptop data

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By bringing it up, you create the false perception that it is a larger chance then the miniscule possibility it actually is.

Why do you think it’s a minuscule possibility?

Because it jumped from an animal to a human, just like every other virus we've ever suffered from. If you've ever worked in agricultural, you'll know the massive amount of antibiotics it takes to keep animals raised for food healthy. Take that away, like in a wet market, and it's not shocking a virus would emerge.

There is also the government response of trying to cover it up instead of coming down hard. If it was from a lab they would have known exactly what it was capable of and that they couldn't hide it. The lab in question also had a mix of international scientists so it would have been even more difficult to keep a leak under wraps.

There is also the fact that lots of rightwing chuds would love it to have come from a lab, because that shifts the focus from managing a virus, to punishing someone for causing a virus. Turning boring precautions into emotionally satisfying revenge. So people want it to have come from a lab and will jump on to anything that confirms that bias.

You have no idea what you are talking about. It came from the lab, easy to catch, low symptoms. Then was shared in residence from "doctor" to "wet market worker". If you know, you know.

My explanation is boring and in line with every other outbreak in human history. Your explanation is complex and extraordinary, requiring extraordinary evidence which you are unable to provide.

Your opinion is your explanation. I know. There's a difference.