Couples, what secret language do you use to tell each other details that the company you're in doesn't understand or notice? to – 215 points –

What words, phrases or signs do you use and how do you get your partner's attention?


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Both my wife and my friends know this one.

If you ever see me drinking a Bud Light Lime, talking about Bud Light Lime, or requesting a Bud Light Lime, that means I’m likely being held against my will. Come back with the police.

this a blatant ploy by Bud Light Lime to try to sell a single bottle

Nah, don’t need to actually have one. Just need to request one.

“Hey man, haven’t heard from you in a while. You alright?”

“Yeah, everything’s great man. Just sitting here drinking a Bud light lime.”

“Bud light lime? For real?”

“Yeah, man. Definitely a bud light lime kind of day.”

“You need me to call the cops?”

“Sure thing man. Thanks for checking in.”

Hell, it doesn’t even need to be in production anymore.

But it's actually not that bad.... It's not good beer but whatever it is, it's nice 🙂

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