Several injured after UAW strikers hit by vehicle to – 595 points –
Several injured after UAW strikers hit by vehicle

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Ill join you on the downvote boat. Protest all you want, but they were blocking a exit, not an entrance. They were not blocking people from working, they were blocking them from going home. Protests should not impede traffic.

"Protest all you want, just don't do anything effective." Gotcha.

The refrain of piece of shit pearl-clutching reactionaries everywhere.

Protest without civil disruption is impossible. There's many many examples of this throughout history. I wish it weren't necessary, because yes I know things have become so bad under the current capitalistic economy that even a few hours or a day can make/break livelihoods, but it is necessary if we as a society want to have any hope of reclaiming power from our corporate and governmental overlords. They're simply too entrenched and empowered in comparison to those they abuse at this point to fight with mere words alone.

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