Court Rules That Trump $250M Civil Fraud Trial Will Go Forward Monday to – 251 points –
Trump $250M civil fraud trial will go forward Monday, AG plans to call his adult sons as witnesses

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Don’t do the /s horseshit, this isn’t some lowbrow reddit clone.

Tf? Tone indicators are actually very useful- especially /s because a sarcastic tone can’t be conveyed over text.

If it bothers you that much, please go outside and touch some grass

Lol “touch grass” again. Real fucking original. Maybe this place is a lowbrow reddit clone.

I mean we already got the annoyingly erratic "this isn't x -website" people that infested every corner of reddit so you might be on to something...

I've spent more time downvoting and hiding bullshit posts about beef stroganoff and killing billionaires than actually consuming content on here.

Everyone is an expert, hot takes are abundant. It's literally reddit without the front page turning over hourly.

Yeah, shit, maybe you’re right. I had high hopes.


Did you just concede a point? To someone on the Internet?

Great day in the morning. Maybe you were right after all.


Maybe it isn't a lowbrow Reddit clone. Thanks kind stranger!

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There's nothing wrong with being clear about your intent. Especially in a world with alternative facts.

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