Linda Yaccarino was set up to fail to – 83 points –
Linda Yaccarino was set up to fail

The buzz out of the Code Conference this week is, naturally, all about the disastrous performance of X / Twitter CEO Linda Yaccarino, who closed out the two-day affair in spectacular fashion. Vox’s Peter Kafka, who has been going to the conference since it started in 2008, called it “the weirdest session I’ve ever seen.” If I had to sum up the vibe as everyone trickled off to dinner afterward, it would be stunned disbelief. As for Yaccarino, she immediately fled the premises with her six-person security detail.


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Well, we agree that she looked terrible. Here's the evidence:

[2 mins 15 sec] Yaccarino: "I work at X, he worked at Twitter, X is a new company."
[3 mins 16 sec] Yaccarino: "The team at Twitter is fantastic"

At least she lasted 1 whole minute before that embarassing contradiction. I can't do another 38 minutes of watching that mess though, too painful right from the start.

oh yeah, it’s bad, if taking a position with Musk didn’t ding her reputation, that showing certainly did.

Wasn't sure I'd listen to this whole thing but half way threw it starts to really get weird. Damn, kind of feel bad for most be hell working for Elon.