You can have any B-tier superpower you like. What do you choose? to – 263 points –

I'd be Cables Don't Tangle Man.


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Undepressable man? Optimism man? Anti-anxiety man?

If those are too good, then: Instant death man

If you mean unfailing suicide man, the it is b-tier.

If perfect kill man, then you are more powerful than any hero that fought against Thanos and you could have instakilled him.

Then again instant death man combined with absolute pasifism, i.e. will never kill anyone: back to b-tier

I meant self-death, but the name was a bit too long

Just gonna pop in here, are you okay? It's totally fine if you're not. To tell the world the truth I've been going through another small depressive episode with a little bit of suicidal idealization and it seems to me like you are too. If you are, just know that the world is a better place with you in it.

No worries, it's just a constant pessimistic buzz in my head.

Undepressable man? Optimism man? Anti-anxiety man?

That's just "normal"