Machinery from New York-based company used to build Russian weapons used in war on Ukraine | PBS NewsHour to World – 137 points –
Machinery from New York-based company used to build Russian weapons used in war on Ukraine

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I was ready to dismiss this as hyperbole -- after all, there are INNUMERABLE ways that US equipment could make its way to Russian factories.

Then I read the words of the chairman of their board:

Hans Naumann (through interpreter):

I think that Trump, unlike many European politicians, has recognized that the white population must stand together. Americans, Europeans, Australians, they're roughly 1.5 billion people, but Asians come to six billion.

In my opinion, the world's demographics compel the two nuclear powers, that's America and Russia, to stand together.

It turns out they shipped equipment directly from their German facilities to Russian military companies, potentially in violation of the 2014 sanctions.

the white population must stand together.

Then why does he support Russia who attacks the white population in Ukraine? He doesn't even adhere to his own logic

Ah because like in days of yore, some white people aren't white to racists. For instance the Irish weren't considered white in the US for quite a long time...

Yeah, but both Ukrainians and Russians are Slavs, so in that frame they're equally worthless and they shouldn't support either.

Fascists have always used racism as an excuse to define the enemy and back The Great Leader, even when the sides were ethnically similar. It's not like Poland and France were full of non-white barbarian infiltrators in Europe in the 30s and 40s, but plenty of people used "preservation of the white race" as a reason to back the Nazis.

I'm surprised it didn't have to do with their bottom line.

If Mr. Naumann's company should make a boatload of cash while supporting his terrible political views, what's the harm?
