Giuliani to lose 2nd attorney in Georgia, leaving him without local legal team to politics – 332 points –
Giuliani to lose 2nd attorney in Georgia, leaving him without local legal team

A second lawyer for Rudy Giuliani is seeking to depart his legal team in Georgia, sources familiar with the matter tell ABC News, a move that would appear to leave the former New York City mayor without any local lawyers in the state.

A motion to withdraw has been submitted to the clerk, the sources said. A judge in the case has to sign off on the motion.

News of the move comes after several other former attorneys of the Trump ally have sued Giuliani for failure to pay his bills, including his longtime friend and attorney Bob Costello, who sued Giuliani for over $1 million in payments due to his firm.

Earlier, an additional lawyer for Giuliani in Georgia, David Wolfe, submitted his own motion to withdraw from his representation of Giuliani.


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Well, fortunately for Giuliani, this is a criminal proceeding so he qualifies for a public defender if he cant afford a lawyer.

They say only a fool represents himself, so he qualifies for that, too!

I don't know if he's quite that poor yet. Georgia only provides public defenders to defendants with a household income below two times the federal poverty line (or thereabouts, I forget the precise multiplier). That's why one of the other Georgia defendants didn't have a defense lawyer while he was being held pending bail.

That's... A little fucked up, what if you don't meet a certain quota of poor you just... Can't be represented?

Apparently? I think it's something they need to look into fixing that, especially given how low the federal poverty line is set.

could you imagine being the poor shit public defender who picked that short straw? defending murderers, rapists, thieves and cheats is one thing... defending that? He's like a pustule of hypocrisy on legs.

They don't get paid enough for that.

And whatever happens, the trumpies will blame said public defender and threaten their life.

blame said public defender and threaten their life.

I feel like Public Defender is where newly-minted lawyers get started. New lawyers that may not have much money, and don't live in a nice safe neighbirhood, making such threats very real.