
1 Post – 107 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Multiple doctors came forward to say that their concerns were ahot down by hospital administrators. They cared more about a bad mark on their record than a someone harming newborns under their watch.

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Well, fortunately for Giuliani, this is a criminal proceeding so he qualifies for a public defender if he cant afford a lawyer.

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It's to undermine the RICO case against Trump

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Cryptocurrency is the number one vector for scams and money laundering today despite blockchains.

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They take all the land, water, and government handouts and then cry that single moms on food stamps are ruining the country.

The problem is that there isnt really anywhere for kids to hangout any more. Playgrounds are for small kids, but even just biking to the library is completely out of the question for most middle schoolers/early teens who dont have a car. There's no malls, few small public parks, no arcades, small local dinners/ice cream joints, or any other "third places"that aren't just school or home. We, as a society, have spent the past 40 years destroying the concept of a public space and are now shocked that we dont see kids hanging out in non-existent spaces.

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I dont see how it can be called a "job" if it doesn't pay even minimum wage

If you are ready to uave your kind blown, that is only one nostril. The other nostril is located inside their skull and is how whales and dolphins vocalize and echolocate.

Hotels aren't really any cheaper than AirBnB after you factor in the laundry list of fees and chores you have to do.

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Thats a pretty terrible question though since there are two equally valid ways of viewing the question the way it is worded. It's not talking aboit China, it's talking about people in China. People in South Korea eat more rice than people in Colombia despite both countries have similar populations. "Why does China consume more rice than America" is the actual question to ask yo try and get that answers.

This was coming way before Trump entered the picture. Rush Limbaugh in the 90's, Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly during the Bush years (and everything involving Dock Cheney), and the Tea Party movement all were pushing to get us here.

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He wasn't quoting people though, he was straight up reading other people's work and claiming it as his own. Like whole paragraphs at a time just copy/pasted with a couple words swapped out. Even with proper citations you would be kicked out of college for plagiarizing if you submitted something like that.

We are looking at a real possibility of another Arab/Israeli war breaking out soon. Thats what "while commercial options still remain" means.

Exactly. That's why an email saying you are losing your rights unless you opt out is invalid. You cant prove that i ever saw/received that email

British accent sounds more "proper and elegant"

Let me introduce you to my Geordie family and see if tou still feel English is elegant. The high English spoken by poshos that is all over TV and movies is very different than how most Brits talk

As for American accents, i have an absolutely bonkers accent of American Midwest with Texas drawl sprinkled in and other lazy drawn out vowels. Just speak however feels comfortable

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He's had a fair bit of cosmetic surgery over the years. Things like hair plugs to jaw fillers

They would have been fucked if it was a crocodile. American alligators are usually super chill and aren't a problem so long as you aren't actively antagonizing them. Crocodiles, meanwhile, are colossal assholes that are always looking to fuck up someone's day.

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My guess is that the water gets contaminated by bilge and other stuff from the cargo ships, which you dont want getting into Gatun Lake.

Remember back in 2020 when massive crowds of MAGAs were banging on windows and trying to get in while poll workers counted votes? That's what he is trying to get his supporters to do on a nationwide level next year.

To be fair to Florida, that condo was built pre-Andrew and they revised their entire building code after Andrew. There aren't too many large building built pre-Andrew anymore because they were all built as cheap as possible to laundrr drug money.

That being said, there are a million reasons why i would never move to Florida, and the only building codes that can prevent your house getting inundated by flood surge is by putting it on stilts, so no shocker that the premiums are skyrocketing. Same with fire insurance in California right now.

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The right to life group in my toen has ads saying "Stop Taxpayers funded abortion" which is just a flat out lie.

Looks like they are all at GM and Stellantis with no new strikes at Ford simce Ford seems to be negotiating reasonably

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From the grocery store's perspective, at least in the US, it keeps the checkout lines moving way faster when some kid who is trained to bag groceries does it, rather than waiting for the customer to figure out how to pack it.

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They are incredibly similar languages that are more mutually intelligible, similar to Swedish/Norwegian/Danish or Serbian/Croatian/Bosnian.

I'm feeling confident that having marijuana on the ballot will help Issue 1 pass. Most of the stoners that are gonna come out to vote for Issue 2 will likely vote for issue one while they are at the polls

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Sure, but Sunak wasnt even the second choice for the Tories during the last election. He's in the Gerald Ford grey zone where no one feels like they voted for him, making him seem illegitimate. The British public voted for the Tories in 2019 (because they are morons) with the expectation that Boris Johnson would be in charge. Now the head of the party has resigned twice since then. In theory it'sall standard procedure for Parliament, but it's a clearly unstable government and viewed as a farce at this point.

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Burning through billions of investors money isnt the same as being profitable. The Silicon Valley gravy train is over, and investors are actually demanding to start seeing returns on their investments.

Restaurants do serve just soda/sparkling water, you just never asked for it before.

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Except now the statemenhave been evaluated by the FDA, and they are not happy

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Howdy Arabia is a police state hellscape. I cant wait for my parents to retire and move back up north so i never have to go back to that hellhole ever again.

Australia is essentially just Texas out in a remote corner of the world. Just a bunch of mining and oil companies running a country.

It's like $12 for a crunchwrap meal in my super low CoL town. Wemdy's still has their $5 buggie bag. I used to love Taco Bell but it now costs more than freaking Chipotle.

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Ford pardoned Nixon, so there wasn't much that could be done to punish Nixon after that. They couldn't even go after him at the state level since the Watergate scandal happened in DC. Pardoning Nixon was a major part of why Ford didn't get reelected, although there were several other major reasons for that.

Dude has had numerous bribery scandals throughout his career. Innocent until proven guilty applies to a courthouse, not your elected officials.

Idiots clearly have never even be to SE Michigan, let alone Detroit, and have no clue how automotive supply chains work. Just about every factory and industrial site from Flint to Toledo is producing parts that either get put into Big 3 cars directly or are used to make equipment that are then used. They have had 30 years of NAFTA to figure out how to move that complicated supply chain to Mexico with success, but are still reliant on American industrial might.

It's not about keeping the US navy out, it's about having an open lane for Chinese ships to get into the Pacific. The entire Chinese cosst is boxed in by islands (and South Korea) that are staunchly pro-US. World powers have always been willing to fight in order to secure their access to foreign markets and secure trade routes.

If my buddies and spend a month plotting a crimer in my cousin's spare room, the cousin would be complicit since he knowingly allowed us to use his property for a criminal conspiracy. The USPS doesn't know what i am sending in the mail since they are a common carrier.

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Money over people. Thats what it says right there on the lobby floor. It just looks more heroic in latin.

Yeah, Gaetz is feeling so owned after embarrassing McCarthy on the national stage.

Inability to get water to annexed Crimea was a major reason for Russia to invade Ukraine. The water wars have already started