She broke it so she could baguette properly.... to Lemmy – 795 points –

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From the grocery store's perspective, at least in the US, it keeps the checkout lines moving way faster when some kid who is trained to bag groceries does it, rather than waiting for the customer to figure out how to pack it.

You say this, but it never seems to be an issue here. Its a cultural thing i guess but people seem to manage without

Since most US people go to the market by car why do they need to pack? When I shop by car I just throw everything in the cart and then everything in the trunk, I only pack meat and some other moisty stuff

We have a cultural practice here in the states where we display dominance to our neighbors by carrying all of our groceries in one trip.

I’d look like a total bitch juggling and dropping everything from the car to the front door.

As it is right now, I deadlift my groceries and walk about 20 feet looking totally rad and dominant. I do this while loudly reminding my woman to “git” (which means something totally different from the git you’re used to) so the neighbors know that I’m a man’s man who doesn’t need any help from a female. That also shows her that I respect her weakness and don’t want her to get injured, which gets me laid later in the day. She rolls her eyes, but she knows how it is. This is why I have a pile of children by the way. All weak female children, but one day I will have a son and I will train him in the ways of his ancestors.

Everyone always listens for their neighbor’s car too so they can step outside to giggle while they struggle and drop their groceries. Of course we also gotta help the ladies whose men have abandoned them to deadlift groceries by themselves.

But seriously, why not put a bag or box in your car, put the groceries from the shopping cart in there and then carry that bag from the car to your home?

See now you’re foolin’ worn tradition bud. I mean, maybe I can get my kids doing it. :p

Not a bad idea though.

And yet somehow this isn't a problem at all in countries where we don't have people bagging our groceries. Checkouts very rarely have any downtime where we need to wait on people to finish bagging. Even with old people.

Big difference between being walking distance from groceries and needing to drive there. Bagging a few days worth of groceries is a lot faster than 2 weeks worth

A lot of people here go shopping by car for a whole week as well and we also have people living in areas where the next shopping isn't in walking distance. And it still works just fine. It's really easy because of course you don't have to stand in front of the checkout the whole time but can already bag stuff while the rest is being scanned. As long as you can bag your groceries as fast as they are being scanned it's really no big problem. And if you're a 90 year old granny who isn't as fast, they still can bag their groceries while the next costumer is being processed since the packaging area is usually divided into two sections.

I'm really sorry, but the US didn't invent some special kind of super grocery shopping which no other country can understand. You just like the convenience of not bagging your stuff yourself. It's really not some top secret technique to make shopping 150% more efficient or something.

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