Lucy Letby will die in prison after receiving 14 whole-life sentences to – 661 points –
Lucy Letby will die in prison after receiving 14 whole-life sentences

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Multiple doctors came forward to say that their concerns were ahot down by hospital administrators. They cared more about a bad mark on their record than a someone harming newborns under their watch.

Administrators should be gutted in a public square. And let's not stop with these ones.

Are administrators actually going to face any punishment?

The senior nurse who was in charge of her was suspended the other day. No idea if any others will face consequences.

Two of the administrators have since retired. One of which decided to bugger off and retire in France.

She worked in neo natal. That is already "at risk" births. Premature. Addicts. All sorts of things that are risky to begin with. I'm not justifying anything she or the administration did. However it is to be expected at times in those units. Sounds heartless but my family was in those departments for many years.

Okay but the mortality numbers for her unit pretty clearly and obviously pointed to the fact that something was happening here other than the natural deaths one would expect in a NICU

Absolutely. However it took more time because it's an inherent risk for the unit.

They said other than when she was working, and before and after she left the number was around or close to 0-2 per year, so pretty obviously an anomaly and certainly worthy of an investigation. The doctors that reported her were punished by the administrators and actually forced to apologise to her so I think they are pretty guilty in the circumstances.

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Kill a bunch of babies? Jail forever.

Ignore someone killing babies to keep your £250,000 a year job safe? That's just good neoliberaling.

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