New 'Looney Tunables' Linux bug gives root on major distros

Joe to – 256 points –

From BeepingComputer.


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Just got some glibc updates in Arch yesterday. I wonder if they contain fixes for this.

Thanks! Not just for notifying about the fix but also showing me where package revisions are built from! I just love the transparency of Arch.

Makes me wonder. LMDE got a glibc update too and Mint is very much not leading edge when it comes to non-critical updates.

Case in point, at roughly the same time as the glibc update, we (LMDE users) were upgraded to the latest Thunderbird, 115.3.1, four or five days after that sub-version came out. That's the sort of lag we generally see. (115.x was a bit of a surprise too as we've been on 102.x, but that's not strictly relevant here.)

Ran nala after seeing this post and got a libc update on Debian myself