Missouri high school teacher put on leave after district officials discover her OnlyFans account

fne8w2ah@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 203 points –
Missouri high school teacher put on leave after district officials discover her OnlyFans account

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If this is the one from a while ago, she was making 40k teaching and 120k on OF...

The only reason she kept teaching was she actually likes teaching.

But yeah, the best thing for a country long term is if educators are some of the highest paid positions. The investment into the next generation is one of the biggest pay offs. There's a lot of geniuses out there that just get a dog shit education and never live up to their potential.

Too many adults/voters just don't see the benefit of investing in the future

The investment into the next generation is one of the biggest pay offs

It would be nice for the peasants but the country is not ran for wage slaves' benefit

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