[News] Here’s the first proof a refreshed Steam Deck is nigh - The Verge

Fubarberry@sopuli.xyzmod to Steam Deck@sopuli.xyz – 101 points –
Here’s the first proof a refreshed Steam Deck is nigh

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Evidence for: new WiFi chip
Evidence against: valve literally said they weren't going to do it

Conclusion: steam deck 2!!!1!!

I do not believe that Valve would say they were not going to do it then do it.

I just bought a SteamDeck as they said they were not going to release any upgrades. I do not care if it is just minor stuff, but if they release SteamDeck2 with a new CPU, I would be a little frustrated with Valve.

valve literally said they weren’t going to do it

Raspberry pi said so as well. Month later, the new model was released.