Do you think people are so careless in public now / etc because it just feels like the end of the world is coming? to Ask – 83 points –

the pandemic making people realize - oh shit they can just grind all this to a halt with the push of a button

the recent election frauds / riots / etc in the US, global warming / severe weather increasing, capitalism getting more and more ruthless, everything sucks more and costs more....

it feels so weird that it's 2023 and we still care about dress codes or professionalism, at the same time. because it sort of feels like we're in the beginning of a movie waiting for the bad thing to happen


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end of the world

You need a different way of thinking.

You are leaning towards something like fatalism or cynicism, but these attitudes are never helpful (only for your feeling, if you like to feel superior even if you are not).

election frauds / riots / etc in the US, global warming / severe weather increasing, capitalism

Problems getting worse indicate that mankind is getting worse. Technology cannot fix it. Man needs to get fixed.

election frauds / riots / etc in the US, global warming / severe weather increasing,

Anyone who thinks those things are getting worse doesn't have a true grasp of history. I'm old, and I get amazed at how many young people tell me I'm wrong about what it was like when I was younger. I was there. I remember.

When is the last time there has been a political landscape like this in the US?

Climate change is clearly getting worse.

Just because you're old doesn't mean you're right about everything.

Global warming was a big deal around 1915. Then there was a huge deal made of global cooling in the 1930s. Then the global warming issue came back up in the 1950s. Then "A New Iceage" was all the rage in the 70s. The roaring 80s brought us global warming again. This has been going on a long time. Just because you are easily swayed by propaganda doesn't make you right.