Spez talks to NY Times

porkchopsandwiches@lemmy.world to Reddit@lemmy.world – 11 points –
Reddit’s Chief Says He Wants It to ‘Grow Up.’ Will Its Community Let It?

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What a disgusting article. I wonder how much spez paid for it, or if the author (apparently a 'longtime Redditor') had his account threatened. That, or maybe he's just so used to corporate bootlicking that his first response to seeing a distressed billionaire was to start lapping at his soles.

Also, this puff piece reeks of arrogance. We fucking made that website what it was, and now this pathetic weasel thinks he no longer needs us? And there's dumbasses on Reddit who defend this shit???

And there's dumbasses on Reddit who defend this shit???

You gotta remember that there are tons of casual users (which probably outnumber 3rd party app users, if we're being honest) that haven't ever known anything else, and they see all this noise as an interruption to their day-to-day scrolling.

One of the subs I used to frequent most often (r/hockey) was full of users who were pissed that it was blacked out for the final game of the Stanley Cup playoffs, so there was no live thread for the last (and biggest, most important) game of the season, and thought anyone who supported the blackout was just being whiny.

I've just accepted that Reddit's base has shifted, its no longer what I remember it being, and I'm not a part of it.

Estimates of TPA users were pretty low. Like 3%. That said the majoriy of the content and moderation also only comes from like 1-3% of users as well. So it was always a question of how much those two small groups overlapped. You can afford to lose a large chunk of casual users. If you lost 50% of your content posters and moderators, they'd be fucked. Stale front page would be the death knell for most casual users. They aren't loyal. They'll jump to TikTok or Instagram or wherever to get their meme fix.

or if the author (apparently a 'longtime Redditor') had his account threatened

Why such an unbelievable theory?

You’d be surprised at how many dicks a ‘power user’ could eat to retain their account.

I immediately heard alarm bells when I read the title. This dude really said 'users need to let Reddit grow up" in response to this dude's disgusting behavior.

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