Reporter Confronts Wheelchair-Bound Kissinger About His Support For ‘Alleged War Crimes’

Flying to politics – 186 points –
WATCH: Reporter Confronts Wheelchair-Bound Kissinger About His Support For ‘Alleged War Crimes’

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Except that's exactly what he did. He was the architect. Architects don't build houses, but it's ultimately their design. If something goes wrong with the design, it's not the construction company's fault. You seem to think that if a house collapses because it was designed to be structurally unsound, it's the fault of the person who bought the land.

There would have been no secret bombing campaign if not for Kissinger and we wouldn't have invaded Iraq without Cheney. They are absolutely, unequivocally war criminals.

It is the fault of the person who ordered the house built.

Because architects who design flawed buildings are blameless?

Now entering NaNa land.

The president is responsinle for the decisions made and the orders given.

So absolutely no one else is ever responsible for anything that the U.S. ever does except whoever is president at the time. That is your assertion.

If it's a military order from the President, no.

So only 45 people have ever been responsible for anything the U.S. military has ever done?

The Commander in Chief

Got it, so based on this, the Nuremberg trials were a great injustice and not a single Nazi official should have been hanged since not a single one of them was responsible for anything in WWII- not the war, not the Holocaust. Just Hitler. Solely responsible.

Nazis in Nuremberg were tried for crimes against humanity not war crimes. Different.

Ah, so Kissinger is guilty of crimes against humanity. Got it.

Could be. The UN is the first place you have to get agreement, the the International Court. Go for it.

Now you're trying to weasel out of the question. I think what this is actually about is you have some weird respect for Kissinger and don't think he did anything wrong when he illegally bombed two countries and killed thousands of innocent people.

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