More than one-third of millennials believe they won’t get a dime of Social Security when they retire, so they’re taking matters into their own hands

RealWarrenBuffett@lemm.eebanned from community to World – 650 points –

Of all generational cohorts, older millennials are most likely to generate enough income to retire comfortably, according to the latest Vanguard Retirement Readiness report.

Specifically, millennials aged 37-41 have the greatest chance of landing a comfortable retirement.


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Ya, I don't think so. As a 37 yo millennial, my retirement plan is to sell my parents house, live as long and comfortabley as I can off that, then eat a bullet. Actual retirement is not something I expect to be capable of.

Mine is to sell my home and move to Mexico once my children are out of school, work remotely for a US company, then retire at like 55.

Multiplying my retirement savings (and home equity) by 20 just by moving will go a long way.

You think Mexico will be liveable by then? I had considered something like that, but I think climate change is going to make those places unlivable within the next 20 yrs.

That's most definitely on my mind. Really hoping so.

If you need to live at 5% of current costs, you'll need go further down the oecd country list than Mexico.

I don't need to. the USD currently exchanges with pesos at 18:1

Do you think they just have the same prices for everything, but in pesos? I have some bad news for you...

No. I have worked quite a lot in Mexico and am well aware of import prices, etc.

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